Everyone managing open-source-software runs into the problem, that with the time the process of releasing a new version gets more and more work. You have to tag the release in your version-control, create the distributions (that should be easy with automated builds), upload them to your website and/or open-source-hoster. You have to announce the new release with nearly the same message on chosen web-forums, the news-system on sourceforge, mailinglists and your blog or website. And you have to update the entry of your software on freshmeat. Possible more tasks have to be done for the release.
Do you developed techniques to automate some of these tasks? Does software exist that supports you with this?
Pragmatic Project Automation shows how to do all of that. They use Ant for practically everything in the book, so if you know Ant you can make different targets to do any step in the build-release cycle.