In Rickshaw, I want to color one specific Y-axis grid-line different than the other Y-axis grid-lines when using a Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y.Scaled
axis. I can do this with jQuery ( specifically 32° is the line I care about):
$('#container_id * svg * g[data-y-value=32] > line')
Is there an idiomatic, better, or safer way of coloring a specific line grid-line?
Well I have something more idiomatic where I'm monkey patching the renderer and using D3 selectors:
var y_grid = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y.Scaled({
graph: graph,
tickFormat: Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT,
tickValues: y_tick_vals,
scale: scale
// Begin monkey business
var old_render = y_grid.render
y_grid.render = function() {
old_render.apply(y_grid,arguments)'svg .y_grid g[data-y-value="32"] line')