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Upgrading APK minSDK version

Just a short question. Let's say I've published an app on the Play Store:

  • versionCode = 1
  • minSdk = 8

The day after I publish the same app but:

  • versionCode = 2
  • minSkd = 11

How will the users be affected? Devices with API level < 11, will continue see first version, or none? Devices with API level >= 11 will see, only version 2, or both?

Many thanks.


  • Devices with API < 11 will not see your app. Existing users with api < 11 will not be able to update, and will be stuck with old version. Users with api >= 11 will see the latest version of your app, ie. the one with versionCode 2.

    Users with api >= 11 who have the old version of app installed will be able to update to latest version, ie. the one with versionCode 2. (most devices are set to auto-update apps)