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ITMS - 90179 Invalid Code Signing / ITMS - 90209 Invalid Segment Alignment

ERROR ITMS - 90179 Invalid Code Signing. The Executable 'Payload/' must be signed with a certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile.

ERROR ITMS - 90209 Invalid Segment Alignment. The app binary at '' does not have a proper segment alignment. Try rebuilding the app with the latest Xcode version.

I've been getting these two errors no matter what I try. I've deleted all my profiles and certificates, remade them and even remade the App ID multiple times and nothing happened and still the same error. I've updated XCode too and still the same errors.

I used a Wildcard App to create my .ipa file in Flash Pro CC selecting the Apple App Store and tried to publish it through application loader.

Is there any solution to these two problems? Thanks.


  • There seem to be a conflict with both dev and prod certificates. I was finally able to submit following these steps:

    (1) go in keychain and delete both certificates (dev & distribution)

    (2) go to apple site and download distribution certificate only

    (3) install distribution cert only!

    (4) export p12 from private key

    (5) go to apple and regenerate/download distribution provisioning profile.

    From there it worked fine, don't ask why...