With the impression that simply setting the request-map's :session to nil will cause a logout, my code looks like the following:
(GET "/logout" [ :as request]
(if-let [useremail (get-in request [:session :ph-auth-email])]
(-> (response {:status 200,
:body (pr-str "logged out " useremail),
:headers {"Content-Type:" "text/html"}})
(assoc request [:session nil]))))
But I get an error:
2015-02-18 09:29:05.134:WARN:oejs.AbstractHttpConnection:/logout
java.lang.Exception: Unrecognized body: {:status 200, :body "\"logged out \" \"sova\"", :headers {"Content-Type:" "text/html"}}
expects only the body as parameter since it'll build :status
and :headers
around it (see here). A map, however, is not a valid body - only strings, files, streams are allowed.
So, this is what causes the exception; now, on to your question: You can log out a user by setting :session
to nil
in your response (source) - which reduces your code to:
(GET "/logout" [:as request]
(if-let [useremail (get-in request [:session :ph-auth-email])]
{:status 200,
:body (pr-str "logged out " useremail),
:session nil, ;; !!!
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}}))