My question is about how to perform a simple task in Pyramid Python framework?
I have a table with users birthdays and I'd like to check daily if someone's birthday is coming, and if so, print a simple greeting.
So I've defined some stuff in my
def print_greetings():
tomorrow =
users = sess.query(User).filter(func.DATE_FORMAT(User.bday, "%d_%m")==tomorrow.strftime("%d_%m")).all()
if len(users) > 0:
for u in users:
print("Happy Birthday",
So the question is: How and where should I write something for execute this function once a day?
UPD: I need to run the task from the Pyramid app, external tools like cron are not the thing i'm looking for.
Maybe some sort of timer which will execute print_greetings()? And after execution will start a new instance of timer?
While Celery is a rather "heavy-weight" solution for a task like this, I'd recommend using APScheduler. You can setup the scheduler exactly like in cron, but it will run within your app. In this case the in-memory job store works fine.
import atexit
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
name='Send out birthday greetings',
atexit.register(lambda: scheduler.shutdown())