I made a typo debugging my project and appeared in lldb swift REPL now I don't know how to exit it and simultaneously do not exit from my program which I debug. So I typed expr -r -- myVariable instead of expr -R -- myVariable. and below is what I see. (if you want to try personally I use Xcode 6.1, C++ code project, and myVariable has to exist)
(lldb) expr -r -- record.mFileRecord.mVolumeName
(std::string) $19 = ""
1> help expr
/repl433.swift:2:5: error: consecutive statements on a line must be
separated by ';'
1> quit
/repl434.swift:2:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'quit'
1> exit
/var/folders/zv/r3033x4n0f72bprvyk8612480000gn/T/lldb/30856/repl435.swift:2:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'exit'
1> exit()
/var/folders/zv/r3033x4n0f72bprvyk8612480000gn/T/lldb/30856/repl436.swift:2:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'exit'
1> quit()
/var/folders/zv/r3033x4n0f72bprvyk8612480000gn/T/lldb/30856/repl437.swift:2:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'quit'
1> .quit
/repl438.swift:2:2: error: could not find member 'quit'
1> :quit
(here my application terminated and lldb was self-killed)
With a single colon you can leave the Swift REPL and return to lldb:
(lldb) repl 1> 2> 3> : (lldb)
(Found here: http://swift.exomachina.com/how-to-use-lldb-to-debug-swift-program.)
With :quit
you can stop the entire debugging session:
(lldb) repl 3> 4> 5> :quit 5> Program ended with exit code: 9