How can i write the expression in rdl report for the following :
Sum(Fields!Amount.Value) where AccountType='Income' - SUM(Fields!Amount.Value) where AccountType='Cost of Goods Sold')
Am Using only 1 dataset with the following columns AccountType
I don't know if there is any other way but this is the only way I found .
create 2 variables in the rdl report .
1st variable IncomeTotal I set the expression to
2nd variable CostOfGoodsSoldTotal I set the expression to
=SUM(iif(Fields!AccountType.Value="Cost of Goods Sold",CDbl(Fields!Amount.Value),CDbl(0.00)),"YourDatasetName")
And then I subtract the 2 variables where appropriate with the following expression
=Variables!IncomeTotal.Value - Variables!CostOfGoodsSoldTotal.Value