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FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp

I would like to have a flotchart that depicts the distribution of all data (x axis represents the values from 0 to 10, y axis for hour only starting from 7am to 7pm).

I could not figure out how I should set the configuration of flotchart in this regard.

Here is the json sample of my Dataset :

[1409558400000, 7.45],[1409562000000, 5.71], [1409565600000, 7.50], [1409569200000, 7.63], [1409576400000, 3.14],

[1409644800000, 7.45],[1409648400000, 5.71], [1409652000000, 7.50], [1409655600000, 7.63], [1409662800000, 3.14],

[1409731200000, 7.45],[1409734800000, 5.71], [1409738400000, 7.50], [1409742000000, 7.63], [1409749200000, 3.14]]

And here is the code for flotchart; The problem with this is that it sorts all the series based on their timestamps. I do not want that.
I would like them to fit in based on their "hour" parameter only.

Anyone knows if only hour on the x-axis without sorting the data series is possible with flotchart ?

 $("#a-dag").click(function() {
 console.log("a dag filtering will be applied...");

  $.plot("#placeholder", [d], {
                series: {
                    lines: {
                        show: true
                    points: {
                        show: true
                grid: {
                    hoverable: true,
                    clickable: true,
                    markings: [{
                        yaxis: {
                            from: 0,
                            to: 4
                        color: "#F2CDEA"
                    }, {
                        yaxis: {
                            from: 4,
                            to: 7
                        color: "#D7EEE1"
                    }, {
                        yaxis: {
                            from: 7,
                            to: 12
                        color: "#F2CDEA"
                xaxis: {
                    mode: "time",                       
                    twelveHourClock: true,                  
                yaxis: {
                    min: 0,
                    max: 12



  • Just convert your timestamps to hours, for example like this:

    $.each(d, function (index, datapoint) {
        datapoint[0] = (new Date(datapoint[0])).getHours();

    (If you want values with AM / PM change accordingly.)
    And of course remove the mode: "time" from your options.

    See this fiddle for the changed code.