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find the smallest solution of an inequality function in maple

an =(5 − 77 sin(n) + 8n^2)/(1 − 4n^2), L=-2 For ε =1/500, use Maple to find the smallest N such that |aN − L| < ε.

which command should I use? I have tried that: an:=(5 − 77 sin(n) + 8n^2)/(1 − 4n^2) solve(an+2=1/500) and this came out a really weird answer which said root of blabla.. or I have tried minimize(an+2) and it seems wrong too..


  • I'm guessing that you intend for n to be a positive integer. If not then please give additional details.

    Also, why do you mention both N and n? If you mean fully the same thing by both then it's not helpful to use both in your description.

    One way to go about this is to find a value for n above which the inequality is always true. Once you know that then (if it's not huge) you can just test the positive integers below it. The answer will be 1 more than the first (of the descending values) to fail the check.

    This is certainly not the only way to accomplish this in Maple.

    an := (5-77*sin(n)+8*n^2)/(1-4*n^2):
    L := -2:
    eps := 1/500:

    It seems that the solve command cannot handle the sin(n), so we'll replace that term by a dummy name K on which we'll place the restriction -1<=K<=1.

    Q := [solve( { subs(sin(n)=K,abs(an-L)<eps), K<=1, K>=-1, n>=1 } )]:

    You can look at Q if you want. If we only need a bound then we can be rough and ready about yanking out inequalities involving n. Another way to go about all this is to split into two cases by the signum of an-L, then to replace sin(n) by the appropriate worst case value, and then to solve the two simpler inequalities for n. (You could do that by hand for this problem.)

    R := [solve( indets(Q,{identical(n)>anything}) )];
                              [ /1      (1/2)    \ ]
                         R := [{ - 42001      < n }]
                              [ \2               / ]
    upper := floor(lhs( R[1,1] ));
                                upper := 102

    Now we know a value for n above which the inequality must hold. A quick loop over descending values of n tells us where the largest (integer) value of n violates the inequality. The answer should be 1 more than that.

    for i from upper to 1 by -1 do
      if not is( eval(abs(an-L)<eps, n=i) ) then
        ans := i+1;
        i := 1; next;
      end if;
    end do;

    And, while a plot is no proof we can look at a plot to get a better idea of what was going on.

    enter image description here