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Zend Framework Image upload Error : The given destination is not writeable

//Default Image with article
    $imgElement = new Zend_Form_Element_File('imgElement');
    $imgElement->setLabel("Upload an Image:");
    $imgElement->addValidator('Count',false,1); //ensure only 1 file
    $imgElement->addValidator('Size',false,102400); //limit to 100K

Above is my code to upload a file along with the article. The error I get is

An error occurred
Application error
Exception information:
Message: The given destination is not writeable

If I do an ls -l , I get drwxrwxr-x 3 aman aman 4096 Jul 31 20:03 upload I have permission to write to that dir. If I use terminal and mv some file to that location it goes through. I think my application might not have the access to write to that dir maybe ?

Is this a bug or something ? I tried this too. But didn't work

//Default Image with article
    $destination = APPLICATION_PATH."/../upload/articleImg";
    chmod($destination ,0777);

    $imgElement = new Zend_Form_Element_File('imgElement');
    $imgElement->setLabel("Upload an Image:");
    $imgElement->addValidator('Count',false,1); //ensure only 1 file
    $imgElement->addValidator('Size',false,102400); //limit to 100K


  • Solved using this link :

    Apparently I had to grant the access to the web user i.e. www-data. Followed the steps below.

    sudo usermod -a -G www-data aman
    sudo chgrp www-data /home/aman/Work/aman_proj
    chmod g+rwxs /home/aman/Work/aman_proj

    Thanks for help guys :)