I have to test an loop-free graph and always checking whether the Strings are different is not very usable (it throws an exception). There must be a better solution, but I am not able to come up with it, and i am kind of lost in the specs2 documentation. This is an example of the code:
"BiDirectionalEdge" should {
"throw an Error for the wrong DirectedEdges" in prop {
(a :String, b :String, c :String, d :String) =>
val edge1 = createDirectedEdge(a, b, c)
val edge2 = createDirectedEdge(c, b, d)
new BiDirectionalEdge(edge1, edge2) must throwA[InvalidFormatException] or(a mustEqual d)
if a and c are the same, createDirectedEdge will throw an exception (i have different test for that behaviour).
Yep, there's a better way—this is precisely what conditional properties are for. Just add your condition followed by ==>
"BiDirectionalEdge" should {
"throw an Error for the wrong DirectedEdges" in prop {
(a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String) => (a != c) ==>
val edge1 = createDirectedEdge(a, b, c)
val edge2 = createDirectedEdge(c, b, d)
new BiDirectionalEdge(edge1, edge2) must
throwA[InvalidFormatException] or(a mustEqual d)
If the condition is likely to fail often, you should probably take a different approach (see the ScalaCheck guide for details), but in your case a conditional property is totally appropriate.