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Rebol 2: Using a parse rule to check input without executing code

Let's suppose you have a rule like the one below from the Rebol docs on parsing.

If you wanted to check some input against a rule just to validate it, but without having the contents of the parentheses evaluated, how can you do it?

Is there a way that easily lets you just validate inputs against a rule without having the content of the parentheses being evaluated?

rule: [
    set action ['buy | 'sell]
    set number integer!
    'shares 'at
    set price money!
    (either action = 'sell [
            print ["income" price * number]
            total: total + (price * number)
        ] [
            print ["cost" price * number]
            total: total - (price * number)


  • Depends if you mean parse input or parse rules.

    For parse rules you need some special flag and function that will take care of it:

    do?: true
    parse-do: function [code] [if do? [do code]]
    rule: ['a (parse-do [print "got it"])]
    parse [a] rule
    do?: false
    parse [a] rule

    For parse input use INTO:

    >> parse [paren (1 + 1)]['paren into [integer! '+ integer!]]
    == true