my Delphi 7 is very basic so I apologise in advance if this seems like a dumb question. I want my code to do something if a number is either 1 or 3 or 5 etc etc. or else do something else if it is 2 or 4 or 6 etc etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
You're probably looking for the odd()
It returns true
for 1,3,5,7, and it returns false
for 2,4,6.
x: Integer;
x := ...;
if odd(x) then
writeln('x is odd')
writeln('x is even')
More generally if you wanted to test for divisibility by a number other than two you would use the mod
operator. The returns the remainder of an integer division. So
if x mod 3 = 0 then
writeln('x is divisible by 3')
writeln('x is not divisible by 3')