currently i am working on which apply customer store credit to customer current order automatically so once user reach payment page system automatically subtract total order amount with system credit ( so if user ordering 200$ things and he has $100 store credit then once user reach payment page his balance will be $100.
i want to do this programmatically. if anyone has any idea please msg. me.
Note : i am using Magento Enterprise. i want to apply store credit programmatically.
i post this question before some days but still no replay. yesterday i found solution. here is solution. for this we need to create one controller so once user click on apply credit button then we need to update quote.
code :
$balanceModel = Mage::getModel('enterprise_customerbalance/balance')
if($balanceModel > 0):
$cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
that's it done.