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Smalltalk - Seaside, Magritte: "object description" giving "MessageNotUnderstood" exception

I am working through the Seaside Book ( I am currently busy with the chapter on Magritte.

I followed the steps of the first example ( but when I try to inspect the object's description, I get the MessageNotUnderstood: Address >> descriptionStreet.

address := Address example1.
address description.

If I understand this correctly:

Note that there is no need to have a one to one mapping between the instance variables of the class and the associated descriptions.

All descriptions are automatically collected and put into a container description when sending description to the object

there is no need for a "description" selector in my Address class? Why am I getting the error?


  • The Seaside Book is outdated.

    In Magritte3 you do not use "description" but "magritteDescription".

    If you are following the book you will also run into issues later with the Form not rendering. In Magritte3 you have to add the pragma to the description method and description methods should be on the instance side and not the class side as indicated in the book.

    See this link: