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Update ICU extension within xampp?

I'm running xampp and I need to upgrade ICU (php_intl extension) to the latest version - I downloaded 54 from the ICU page but unsure how to go about upgrading it.

There is a bin, include and lib folder - where do I put these files and do I have to do anything else?


  • To upgrade existing ICU in you XAMP installation you'll need to:

    1. copy php_intl.dll to your_xamp_folder/php
    2. copy all the icu*.dll files to your_xamp_folder/apache/bin
    3. check if extension=php_intl.dll is enabled in your_xamp_folder/php/php.ini
    4. restart Apache

    Let me know if it works (i'm currently on nginx)


    • you'll find php_intl.dll here
    • all icu*.dll files are here