My Call gets back: print_r($response)
GetItemResponseType Object
[Item:protected] => ItemType Object
[ApplicationData:protected] => 651034.9.3011
[BuyerProtection:protected] => ItemEligible
[BuyItNowPrice:protected] => AmountType Object
[attributeValues] => Array
[currencyID] => EUR
[value:protected] => 0.0
[Country:protected] => DE
I read this (How to get protected property of object in PHP), but I can't reproduce the solution.
How can I get the value of Country with i.e. this:
function accessProtected($obj, $prop) {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($obj);
$property = $reflection->getProperty($prop);
return $property->getValue($obj);
I get nothing, if I call:
echo accessProtected($response, 'Country');
Regards, Matthias
the answer to my question is:
echo $response->Item->Country;
Thank You.