I'm trying to customize my store to show two currencies at the same time , however I wish they were shown on all pages except the home. I tried to edit common_templates/price.tpl to this to test:
{* $Id$ *}
{if $settings.General.alternative_currency == "Y" AND $controller == 'products'}
{$value|format_price:$currencies.$primary_currency:$span_id:$class:false}{if $secondary_currency != $primary_currency} {if $class}<span class="{$class}">{/if}({if $class}</span>{/if}{$value|format_price:$currencies.$secondary_currency:$span_id:$class:true:$is_integer}{if $class}<span class="{$class}">{/if}){if $class}</span>{/if}{/if}
I guess only in the product page should be shown the price in both currencies...? What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Please try
{if $settings.General.alternative_currency == "Y" && $runtime.controller == 'products' && $runtime.mode == 'view'}