I have a nested rout for toys and then toys will have reviews. The toys works fine with friendly_id but going to website.com/toys/toy-name/reviews/new brings up
Couldn't find Toy without an ID
My routes file looks like this
resources :toys do
resources :reviews, except: [:show, :index]
The reviews controller has a set_toy method that is called before_action and is where the error is occurring. The method looks like
def set_toy
@toy = Toy.friendly.find(params[:id])
The toys controller has a similar method called toy_params that has exactly the same contents.
I can't see why the reviews controller cannot find the toy ID as I have passed it in with friendly.find.
Thank you
You will need
def set_toy
@toy = Toy.friendly.find(params[:toy_id])
in your reviews controller.