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Check Numeric vs. Non-numeric column type in MySQL

I'm working with MySQL's INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema to automate some processing on generic columns in tables.
One task is to identify numeric and non-numeric column types to apply specific operations in the two cases. Of course I can define operations for each single data type in MySQL and solve my issue that way, but I'm wondering whether using a solution like:

    TABLE_SCHEMA='aschema' AND 
    TABLE_NAME='atable' AND

when transversing tables and columns could be good enough to have a rough separation between the two kind of columns I'm interested in.
My goal would be having a TRUE/FALSE identifying a column to contain numeric data type or not.
Any other idea is welcome.
Drawbacks point-out is welcome too.


  • I vote for NUMERIC_PRECISION IS NOT NULL. It includes "bit". To exclude "bit", use NUMERIC_SCALE IS NOT NULL. If you want to argue that "enum" or "year" are numeric, then go with an IN-clause like Dudi's.