I have consumer, written in PHP, which tries to consume messages. My goal is simple as - if there are no messages in the queue, release the execution and continue, considering there was "no data retrieved".
Current thoughts
flag, like:
$flag = AMQP_NOWAIT;
$this->queue->consume($callbackFunction, $flag, $this->consumerTag);
And it didn't work. So far, I have workaround, like - I am declaring connection timeout for \AMQPConnection, as, let's say, 5 seconds, and then catching it in this way:
try {
$this->consumer->consume($this->consumer->getReadMessageCallback($notifications, $requeue));
} catch (\AMQPConnectionException $connectionException) {
//based on timeouts. Are there other ways to interrupt empty queue consuming? AMQP_NOWAIT fails, does nothing:
return [];
But, that is a very "hacky" way to do it. It's working for me, but:
secondsNext - I tried AMQP_IFEMPTY | AMQP_PASSIVE
on queue creation. The thing is - it will delete queue if there are no messages there, and it will raise an exception (which I may catch) on attempt to get messages from there. But then there is a problem like - queue is immediately deleted and I can not even add messages there.
Reading messages from empty queue is really a common issue, thus I'm sure it should be a way to resolve it in a proper matter. Thus, how would I do that?
Yes, manual links are /pl/
as there are no "en" links. But it's more or less readable as it is in English there in any case.
If you need to figure out whether queue empty or not, you can call AMQPQueue::declare()
which is idempotent and in result returns messages count in queue. Note, that number is not pretty accurate (see why).
In addition, you can just call AMQPQueue::get()
(behaves like it's done in admin tool).
And after that all, as you also tried, you can set AMQPConnection::setReadTimeout()
to some low value (in local net 1 sec may be enough), and then call AMQPQueue::consume()
and catch timeout exception if consumer waits too long.
As to poor documentation, see answer to this question: Where can i find the php-amqp documentation.