I'm using a passwordless login system for my website, a user gets an e-mail and clicks the link to authenticate. So far, so good.
How can I create or modify a ring middleware to retain and pass along the updated :session values?
(GET "/login" []
; gets a user's email and sends them a link to authenticate.
(GET "/login/:key&:email&:timestamp" [key email timestamp :as request]
; uses the timestamp, key, and email to verify the key
; if it all checks out, then set some session values
; e.g.
(def updatedRequestMap
(assoc-in request [:session :supa-secret-smoken-token] "supercool secretval")))
How would I make sure that updatedRequestMap is passed along to future requests?
Thanks (=
Your login
handler creates a ring response and assoc the newly updated session in that ring response.
;; put this in your ns declaration ;; (:require [ring.util.response :refer [response]]) (GET "/login/:key&:email&:timestamp" [key email timestamp :as request] (let [old-session (:session request) new-session (assoc old-session :supa-secret-smoken-token "supercool secretval")] (-> (response "You are now logged in") (assoc :session new-session))))