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Manipulating form data server-side with JSoup on ColdFusion

Following on from my previous question (How to replace all anchor tags with a different anchor using regex in ColdFusion), I would like to use JSoup to manipulate the content of an Argument thats come in from a Form, before inserting the manipulated content into a database.

Here is an example of what is sent to the server from the Form:

   <div id="Description" contenteditable="true">
      Terminator Genisys is an upcoming 2015 American 
      science fiction action film directed by Alan Taylor. 

      <img id="Img0" src="" />
      <img id="Img1" src="" />
      <img id="Img2" src="" />

      You can find out more by <a href="">clicking here</a>

Here is how my CFC would deal with it currently (basic idea):

INSERT INTO MyTable (Value1, Description)
   <cfif structkeyexists(ARGUMENTS.Value1)>
      <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.Value1#" cf_sql_type="nvarchar" />

    Before the below happens, I need to replace the src 
    attributes of the img tags of Arguments.Description 
   <cfif structkeyexists(ARGUMENTS.Description)>
       <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.Description#" cf_sql_type="nvarchar" />

I know <div> is not a form element, but not to worry its still submitted to CF11 as if its a form element using JQuery serialize() trickery.

When CF11 processes this form, it gets the data in ARGUMENTS.Description. What I want to do is parse the contents of this argument, find the <img> tags, and extract out the src attribute.

I'll then do some more processing, but eventually I need to replace the src values in each of the img tags with a different value that is created by CF11 on the server side. Only then I can insert the form value into the database.

Can JSoup assist in this kind of a task? It feels like a simple find and replace task but I'm very lost as to how to go about it.


  • First, you have an error in your markup, the src attributes of image tags have no close-quotes. Make sure you fix that before you attempt to use this

    <cfsavecontent variable="samform">
        <div id="Description" contenteditable="true">
        <p>Terminator Genisys is an upcoming 2015 American science fiction action film directed by Alan Taylor. 
        <img id="Img0" src="" />
        <img id="Img1" src="" />
        <img id="Img2" src="" />
        You can find out more by <a href="">clicking here</a></p>
    jsoup = CreateObject("java", "org.jsoup.Jsoup");
    alterform = jsoup.parse(samform);
    imgs ="##Description img");
    for (img in imgs) {
        img.attr("src", "betterthan#listlast(img.attr("src"),"/")#");
    imgs[2].attr("src", "TheyShouldHaveStoppedAtT2.gif");
    writeOutput('<textarea rows="10" cols="100">#samform#</textarea><br>');
    writeOutput('<textarea rows="10" cols="100">#alterform#</textarea>');

    If you're familiar with css selectors or jquery selectors, jSoup selecting is nearly second-nature.

    What this does is it loops over every img in #Description (# has to be doubled because CF). It then changes the url to something based on the current url, and then just to demonstrate, I override the second img's src with something else and output the before/after in textareas.