when running ubuntu cli in a tab (a chrome tab in chrome os) using crouton, i can't press control w
to search in the nano
text editor. It triggers the close window command instead for chrome. How can I disable this? With a GUI installed for Ubuntu, I can run the program full screen and get total keyboard command capture. Is this impossible when running in a Chrome tab? Is there any way to get the cli out of the chrome tab?
Chrome OS Download 'Crouton integration Extension' from Google Store
Chrome OS Download crouton from bottom link of Francois Beaufort
Chrome OS Open CROSH ...type crt + alt + t
Chrome OS type shell
Chrome OS type: sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r trusty -t unity,extension
Chrome OS type: sudo startunity
Info & Links https://plus.google.com/+FrancoisBeaufort/posts/JDVkXALPcNq