Search code examples

have an issue with position fixed.

I am currently building a web site, As I have completed the header tag, I applied position:fixed; how ever it knocks out my header and I do not know why as I have tried debugging the whole header tag within css.

any help would be appreciated:

		if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).find('span').html('▲')
		else $(this).find('span').html('▼')

function f_p(){
function p_f(){
@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

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input.searchbox {-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;background-color: #af5354;border: 1px solid #af5354;background-color: #AF5354;border: 1px solid #AF5354;border-radius: 5px;color: #FFF;float: left;height: 19px;margin-left: 0.5em;margin-top: 1.3em;outline: 0px none;padding-left: 0.5em;padding-top: 0.3em;text-align: left;width: 170px;}
input.searchbox:focus {background: #e87476;background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e87476 0%, #e87476 20%);background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #e87476), color-stop(20%, #e87476));    outline: 0;color: #FFF;}
*::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #FFF; }
*:-moz-placeholder { color: #FFF; }
*::-moz-placeholder { color: #FFF; }
*:-ms-input-placeholder { color: #FFF; }
input.button {padding: 0px;margin: 15px 0px 0px -28px;width: 38px;height: 28px;border: 0;float: left;border: none;background: url("../../assets/images/sprite.png") -142px -7px;overflow: hidden;}
input.button:hover {border: 0;padding: 0;margin: 15px 0px 0px -28px;width: 38px;height: 28px;background: url("../../assets/images/sprite.png") -142px -47px;float: left;border: none;}
input[type=search] { -webkit-appearance: none; }
#navmenu a{color:#FFF;text-decoration:none;}	
#navmenu a:hover {text-decoration:none;}

.cf:before, .cf:after {content:"";display:table;}
.cf:after {clear:both;}
.cf {zoom:1;}
header {
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nav #login { border-right: 1px solid #fff;-moz-box-shadow: 1px 0 0 #fff;-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 0 0 #fff;box-shadow: 1px 0 0 #fff; }
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nav #signup a {	-moz-border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; }
nav #login-trigger { -moz-border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; }
nav #login-trigger:hover, nav #login .active, nav #signup a:hover {	background: from(#a8090c), to(#8c080a); }
nav #login-content {
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	position: absolute;
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	width: 250px;  
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	#inputs input {
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		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #e8c291 inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #e8c291 inset;
		#login #actions {
		  margin: 10px 0 0 0;
/* ----- START ----- LOGIN BUTTON ----- START -----*/		
		#login #submit {		
		  background-color: #d14545;
		  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e97171), to(#d14545));
		  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
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		  background-image: linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  -moz-border-radius: 3px;
		  -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
		  border-radius: 3px;
		  text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);
		  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;
		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;    
		  border: 1px solid #7e1515;
		  float: left;
		  height: 30px;
		  padding: 0;
		  width: 100px;
		  cursor: pointer;
		  font: bold 14px Arial, Helvetica;
		  color: #fff;
		  margin-right: 3px;
		#login #submit:hover,
		#login #submit:focus {		
		  background-color: #e97171;
		  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#d14545), to(#e97171));
		  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		#login #submit:active {		
		  outline: none;
		  -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;		
		#login #submit::-moz-focus-inner {
		  border: none;
/* ----- END ----- LOGIN BUTTON ----- END -----*/		

/* ----- START ----- FORGOT BUTTON ----- START -----*/
		#login #forgot {		
		  background-color: #d14545;
		  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e97171), to(#d14545));
		  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  -moz-border-radius: 3px;
		  -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
		  border-radius: 3px;
		  text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);
		  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;
		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;    
		  border: 1px solid #7e1515;
		  float: left;
		  height: 30px;
		  padding: 0;
		  width: 144px;
		  cursor: pointer;
		  font: bold 14px Arial, Helvetica;
		  color: #fff;
		  margin-left: 3px;
		#login #forgot:hover,
		#login #forgot:focus {		
		  background-color: #e97171;
		  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#d14545), to(#e97171));
		  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		#login #forgot:active {		
		  outline: none;
		  -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;		
		#login #forgot::-moz-focus-inner {
		  border: none;
/* ----- END ----- FORGOT BUTTON ----- END -----*/

/* ----- START ----- FORGOT BUTTON ----- START -----*/
		#login #passwordbtn {		
		  background-color: #d14545;
		  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e97171), to(#d14545));
		  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  background-image: linear-gradient(top, #e97171, #d14545);
		  -moz-border-radius: 3px;
		  -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
		  border-radius: 3px;
		  text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5);
		  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;
		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;    
		  border: 1px solid #7e1515;
		  float: left;
		  height: 30px;
		  padding: 0;
		  width: 144px;
		  cursor: pointer;
		  font: bold 14px Arial, Helvetica;
		  color: #fff;
		  margin-right: 3px;
		#login #passwordbtn:hover,
		#login #passwordbtn:focus {		
		  background-color: #e97171;
		  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#d14545), to(#e97171));
		  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		  background-image: linear-gradient(top, #d14545, #e97171);
		#login #passwordbtn:active {		
		  outline: none;
		  -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
		  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
		  box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;		
		#login #passwordbtn::-moz-focus-inner {
		  border: none;
/* ----- END ----- FORGOT BUTTON ----- END -----*/

		#login label {
			color: #fff;
			float: left;
			line-height: 30px;
		#login label input {
		  position: relative;
		  top: 2px;
		  right: 2px;
		#about {
			margin: 15px;
		#about a {
			color: #555;
.content { background: #000; height: 2000px; margin: 0px auto; width: 1024px; border: solid 1px white; }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to Spout TV</title>
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="scripts/css/spouttv.css">
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<script src="scripts/js/functions.js"></script>

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        <form id=header-search>
            <input class=searchbox placeholder="Search Spout TV">
            <input type=submit class=button value=""/>
            <li id="login">
                <a id="login-trigger" href="#">
                    Log in <span>&#x25BC;</span>
                <div id="login-content">
                    <form id='userlogin' role="search" method="get" class="input-group" action="login.php" onSubmit="dologin(document.getElementById('user').value, document.getElementById('pass').value); return false;">
                        <fieldset id="inputs">
                            <input id="username" type="email" name="Email" placeholder="Your Email address" required>
                            <input id="password" type="password" name="Password" placeholder="Password" required>
                        <fieldset id="actions">
                            <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Log in"><input type="button" onClick="f_p();" id="forgot" value="Forgot Password">
                            <label><input type="checkbox" checked="checked"> Keep me signed in</label>
                    <form method='post' style='display:none;' name='forgot_pwd' id='forgot_pwd' action='forgot_password.php'>
                        <fieldset id="inputs">	
                            <label>Enter Email address:</label>
                            <input id="username" type="email" name="Email" placeholder="Your Email address" required>
                        <fieldset id="actions">
                            <input type="submit" id="passwordbtn" name="for_pwd" value="Send Password" />
                            <input type="button" onclick='p_f();' id="submit" value='Back'/>
            <li id="signup">
                <a href="registration.html">Sign Up</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="content">
	<p id="about">Back to <a href="/simple-and-effective-dropdown-login-box">article</a> / Drop me a message on <a href="">Twitter</a>!</p>


  • You can stick the header using

    Example here:

    header {
    position: fixed;

    EDIT after several comments:

    Please use:

    <header style="position: fixed !important; width: 100%;">

    and remove from tag nav this css:

    margin-left: auto;