Search code examples

aria-label, h-card, or both?

Do I need aria-label attributes when I'm using h-card (this is for company contact information in a page footer)?

<div class="h-card">
  <a class="u-url" href="">
    <img src="" alt="Example Logo">
    <span class="p-name sr-only">Example Corp.</span>
  <div aria-label="Address" class="p-adr h-adr">
    <span class="p-locality">Eugene</span>
    <span class="p-region">OR</span>
    <span class="p-postal-code">97403</span>
  <a aria-label="Telephone" class="p-tel" href="tel:12345678">(12) 345-678</a>

Are the aria-labels superflous here or do they provide some value? Ought there be more detailed aria- attributes? (And if so, which?)


  • WAI-ARIA and Microformats don’t "compete":

    • WAI-ARIA is a framework to enhance the accessibility of your web content.

    • Microformats are a convention for marking up structured data on your HTML pages.

    They have different goals, and consumers of WAI-ARIA don’t necessarily support Microformats, and consumers of Microformats don’t necessarily support WAI-ARIA.

    So when deciding if you need the WAI-ARIA attribute aria-label in your example, ignore if or how you use the Microformat h-card, and vice-versa. They don’t interact with each other.