I made a blackjack game which works entirely except for determining the winner. Could anyone help me on what I am doing wrong? Here's an example on what happens when I run the program.
Cooper 's cards are : Five of Spades and King of Hearts
The Dealer's cards are: Eight of Diamonds and Ten of Spades
Your total is 15, Would you like to take a hit or stay? hit
You drew a Eight of Hearts .
You now have a total of 23
You busted!
You beat the Dealer! You got lucky punk.
Process finished with exit code 0
It says I busted, but then say I won.
Also if you guys know anyway I could clean this up let me know!
from Deck import Deck
from Card import Card
from Hand import Hand
import sys
deck = Deck()
def rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal):
if int(playerTotal) > 21:
print "You busted!"
if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
print 'To make it worse, dealer has 21.'
if int(dealerTotal) > 21:
print "The Dealer has busted. You win!"
if int(playerTotal) == 21:
print " You got 21! So you win!"
if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
print "The Dealer also got 21. Tough Break."
elif int(dealerTotal) == 21:
print "The Dealer got 21! Tough Break, you lose!"
if int(playerTotal) > int(dealerTotal):
print "You beat the Dealer! You got lucky punk."
elif int(playerTotal) == int(dealerTotal):
print "It is a push, no one wins!"
elif int(playerTotal) < int(dealerTotal):
print "Dealer wins! Better luck next time loser."
def game():
player = raw_input("What is your name? ")
print " /////////////////////////////////////////\n" \
" /////////////////////////////////////////\n" \
" ///////// LET'S PLAY BLACKJACK //////////\n" \
" /////////////////////////////////////////\n" \
" /////////////////////////////////////////\n"
pCard1 = deck.deal()
pCard2 = deck.deal()
print player, "'s cards are :", pCard1, "and", pCard2
dCard1 = deck.deal()
dCard2 = deck.deal()
print "The Dealer's cards are:", dCard1, "and", dCard2
playerTotal = (Card.getCardValue(pCard1) + Card.getCardValue(pCard2))
dealerTotal = (Card.getCardValue(dCard1) + Card.getCardValue(dCard2))
if playerTotal == 21:
elif dealerTotal == 21:
option = raw_input("Your total is " + str(playerTotal) + ", Would you like to take a hit or stay? ")
if option == "Hit" or option == "hit":
pCard = deck.deal()
playerTotal = playerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(pCard))
print "You drew a", pCard, "."
print "You now have a total of", playerTotal
while playerTotal < 21:
option = raw_input("Your total is " + str(playerTotal) + ", Would you like to take a hit or stay? ")
if option == "stay" or option == "Stay":
rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)
pCard = deck.deal()
playerTotal = playerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(pCard))
print "You drew a", pCard, "."
print "You now have a total of", playerTotal
rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)
if option == "stay" or option == "Stay":
rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)
def dealerHit(playerTotal,dealerTotal):
while dealerTotal < playerTotal:
dcard = deck.deal()
dealerTotal = dealerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(dcard))
print "The dealer drew a", dcard, "."
print "The dealer now has a total of", dealerTotal
return dealerTotal
def dealersTurn(dealerTotal):
while dealerTotal < 17:
dcard = deck.deal()
dealerTotal = dealerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(dcard))
return dealerTotal
def rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal):
if int(playerTotal) > 21:
print "You busted!"
if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
print 'To make it worse, dealer has 21.'
print "Dealer wins! Better luck next time loser."
if int(dealerTotal) > 21:
print "The Dealer has busted. You win!"
if int(playerTotal) == 21:
print " You got 21! So you win!"
if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
print "The Dealer also got 21. Tough Break."
elif int(dealerTotal) == 21:
print "The Dealer got 21! Tough Break, you lose!"
if int(playerTotal) > int(dealerTotal):
print "You beat the Dealer! You got lucky punk."
elif int(playerTotal) == int(dealerTotal):
print "It is a push, no one wins!"
elif int(playerTotal) < int(dealerTotal):
print "Dealer wins! Better luck next time loser."
Many logic problems. I don't know if I caught them all.