I have simplified this a lot so it can be repeated
%macro macro_one(dt2);
%let var1 = &dt2;
Then I have another macro and I want to use the output from macro one in macro 2
%macro macro_print(dt2);
/*call macro 1*/
%put &var1;
/call macro/
It should print purple in the logs but I get an error I get an error though - i suspect I need to assign the macro variable from macro one when I call macro two.
First, I suspect you have a typo between your code and here. Proper way to define a macro is:
%macro blah(x);
<do stuff>
<do stuff>
The macro is created in %macro_one
and defaults to a local scope. You can fix this by declaring it %global
%macro macro_one(dt2);
%global var1;
%let var1=&dt2;
Also, use %put
not put
in %macro_two