I'm trying to add a clickable link that will sort a page of links alphabetically using has_scope gem. What exactly would i put in my view to make this work?
Model Links.rb
scope :abc, -> { order("links.title ASC") }
has_scope :abc
def index
@links = apply_scopes(Link).all
<div id="links-wrapper">
<%= render partial: "shared/link", collection: @links %>
<div class="link">
<a class="link-title" href="<%= link.url %>" target="_blank"><%= link.title %></a>
<div class="link-printed-url"><%= link.url %></div>
<p class="link-description"><%= link.description %></p>
<div class="link-tags">
<% link.tags.any? %>
<% link.tags.each do |tag| %>
<span class="label-tag">
<%= link_to tag_path(tag) do %>
#<%= tag.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
You need to pass a title param to the scope.
Change the scope in the model to scope :abc, -> title { order("links.title ASC") }
scope :abc, -> title { order(title: :asc) }
You could do something like this in the partial
<div class="link">
<a class="link-title" href="<%= link.url %>" target="_blank"><%= link.title %></a>
<div class="link-printed-url"><%= link.url %></div>
<p class="link-description"><%= link.description %></p>
<% end %>
<div class="link-tags">
<%= link_to 'Order ASC', tag_path(:abc => true) %>