I'm using MongoDB with Sails.
db.post.find( { body: {"$regex" : /^.*twitter.*$/i }}).
This query is supposed to find only posts which contain 'twitter' in their body-field. For some reason it won't find a match if a backslash is present in the field (like a newline).
Is this known? What can I do about it?
Here are two examples to showcase the problem:
This document is returned by the find-command above:
"_id" : ObjectId("54e0d7eac2280519ac14cfda"),
"title" : "Cool Post",
"body" : "Twitter Twitter twitter twittor"
This document is not returned by the find-command above:
"_id" : ObjectId("54e0d7eac2280519ac14cfdb"),
"title" : "Cool Post with Linebreaks",
"body" : "This is a cool post with Twitter mentioned into it \n Foo bar"
Is this known?
No. Its not an issue with the MongoDb
search Engine.
What can I do about it?
You could change your Regular Expression
var regex = new RegExp("twitter","i");
db.posts.find( { body: regex});
The problem with your code is the decimal point .
According to the doc,
(The decimal point) matches any single character except the newline character.
which is why the string with a newline
character is not taken to be a match.