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window.location.href doesn't work with url scheme

I have a problem in iOS 8 and UIWebView. I'm running an app into webview, in this app I have an icon to call the specific url. This is url that is registered like a application url (url scheme). Then into my UIWebView, when I press the button, other view controller should be shown.

In iOS 7 the button works fine, I tap on it and my other view controller is open. But in iOS 8 when I tap on the button nothing is happening. My method to handle url actions is never called.

The web page is using "window.location.href = MyUrlScheme://...", again this is working perfectly in iOS7, but not in iOS8.

Any ideas?


  • You've probably found the answer to this question, but I'll leave here my solution, it may help someone. I ran into this problem today, iOS8 UIWebView does not respond to window.location.href = "MyUrlScheme://do-something"...

    So I added an Iframe to the html page, set the src attribute and removed the Iframe.

    var sendObjectMessage = function(parameters) {
        var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
        iframe.setAttribute('src', "MyUrlScheme://"+parameters);
        iframe = null;

    Take a look at this link