I'm developing an engineering app for android. The thing is that I need to draw: rectangles, figures made of rectangles, and their dimensions. Then if you touch one extreme of one dimension you are able to make that dimension of the rectangle longer or shorter.
I am implementing the next scheme in order to achieve my goal:
class DrawFigureWithDimensions extends View{
// implementation of the draw methods
// ...
class Rectangles{
// characterization of the attributes needed for each "rectangle"
// ...
class DimensionPositionType{ ... }
class DimensionExtremeType{ ... }
class DrawRectangleWithDimension extends DrawFiguresWithDimensions{ ... }
class DrawBoxWithDimension extends DrawFiguresWithDimensions{ ... }
Then, I have a problems implementing the inner classes of DimensionPositionType and DimensionExtremeType, I can't find out how to declare them in a suitable way. I need to be able to decide in the extended classes, like DrawRectangleWithDimensions, for example, what type of extreme of the dimension I need: fixed or movable. Something like this:
public class DrawRectangleWithDimensions extends DrawFiguresWithDimensions {
public DrawRectangleWithDimensions(Context context) {
public void setFigure(double width, double height) {
figureRectangles = new Rectangle[1];
figureRectangles[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
For instance, this is the code that I have for the inner class DimensionExtremeType:
class DimensionExtremeType{
boolean FIXED;
boolean MOVABLE;
DimensionExtremeType(String arg){
if(arg == "FIXED"){
}else if(arg == "MOVABLE"){
public void setFixedExtreme(){
FIXED = true;
MOVABLE = false;
public void setMovableExtreme(){
FIXED = false;
MOVABLE = true;
public String getDimensionExtremeType(){
return "FIXED";
}else if(MOVABLE==true){
return "MOVABLE";
}else {
return null;
I just know about the existence of the class enum, which solves the problem of design that I had. It's a much easier way of carrying it out. According to the example that I wrote in the wording of the question, this is the code using the class enum:
static class Rectangle{
// ...
DimensionExtremeType horizontalDimensionLeftExtremeType;
DimensionExtremeType horizontalDimensionRightExtremeType;
DimensionExtremeType verticalDimensionUpperExtremeType;
DimensionExtremeType verticalDimensionLowerExtremeType;
public enum DimensionExtremeType{FIXED, MOVABLE}
Then, in the extended classes, for instance DrawRectanglesWithDimensions:
public class DrawRectangleWithDimensions extends DrawFiguresWithDimensions {
public DrawRectangleWithDimensions(Context context) {
public void setFigure(float width, float height) {
figureRectangles = new Rectangle[1];
figureRectangles[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
figureRectangles[0].horizontalDimensionLeftExtremeType = Rectangle.DimensionExtremeType.FIXED;
figureRectangles[0].horizontalDimensionRightExtremeType = Rectangle.DimensionExtremeType.MOVABLE;
figureRectangles[0].verticalDimensionUpperExtremeType = Rectangle.DimensionExtremeType.MOVABLE;
figureRectangles[0].horizontalDimensionRightExtremeType = Rectangle.DimensionExtremeType.MOVABLE;