I am using grails 2.1.0. I need to show a parent domain's field value through parent chain in select box in a gsp page. But I am getting error. So far I have tried as follows ::
my first domain which contains parents as named adtAuditPack >>>
class AdtAuditorSchdlPack {
static belongsTo = [adtAuditPack: AdtAuditPack,fiscalYear:FiscalYear]
my first parent of above domain named AdtAuditPack >>>
class AdtAuditPack {
static belongsTo = [auditFirm:AuditFirm]
my second parent of adtAuditorSchdlPack named AuditFirm >>>
class AuditFirm {
String auditFirmName
Now I want to show auditFirm name as optionValue and AdtAuditorSchdlPack.id as optionKey. For that I have the following select as follows >>>
<g:select id="auditPack0" name="auditPack0" from="${AdtAuditorSchdlPack?.adtAuditPack?.auditFirm}" style="width: 200px;"
optionKey="id" optionValue="auditFirmName" noSelection="['': 'Select One']"
required="" class="form-control"/>
It's showing the following tool-tip >>
Cannot reference non-static symbol 'adtAuditPack' from static context
Can anyone please help me on this please ?!!! Isn't there any way to do this ???
You can construct the drop down list on Service/Controller and pass via modal to gsp page and use.
The controller/service method will look like:
def c = AdtAuditorSchdlPack .createCriteria()
def results = c.list() {
// your criteria logic
order('id', 'asc')
Construct the list based on your logic:
List auditFirmList= new ArrayList()
results.each { AdtAuditorSchdlPack adtAuditPack->
dataReturns.add([id: adtAuditPack?.auditFirm?.id, name: "${adtAuditPack?.auditFirm?.auditFirmName}"])
Now you can pass this list via model and use on dropdown as follows.
<g:select class=" form-control" id="auditPack0" name='auditPack0'
noSelection="${['': 'Select one...']}" from="${auditFirmList}" optionKey="id" optionValue="name"></g:select>
The optionKey and optionValue may red mark in gsp view page, but will work on run.