I am trying to make calculation in my model, but i'm not able to get two digits after the comma.
I tried different ways but when my result should be for example 7.50 or 7.25 I get 7 or 8.
if you can tell me where the issue is, that would be very kind of you. Thanks.
My schema.rb
create_table "timesheets", force: true do |t|
t.time "working_start"
t.time "working_end"
t.decimal "billable_hours"
t.integer "weeknum"
t.date "date"
t.decimal "breaks"
t.integer "user_id"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
My model
class Timesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
## current week number
default_value_for :weeknum do
## relation
belongs_to :user
## Worked hours
before_create :calculate_worked_hours
def calculate_worked_hours
#breacalculk = (breaks.to_i * 60)
#totalhours = (working_end.to_i - working_start.to_i) - (breaks.to_i * 60)
self.billable_hours = ((working_end.to_i - working_start.to_i) - (breaks.to_i * 60)) / 3600
Change / 3600
to / 3600.0
When both numerator and denominator are integers, the result will be an integer; so 5/2
will give 2
. If one of them is a float, then the result will be a float. Eg: 5.0/2
= 2.5