Code in steps file:
select_date user.date_of_birth, :from => "Date of birth"
Selector fail
When I register with valid user credentials # features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:2
Could not find field: "user_date_of_birth_1i_1i" (Webrat::NotFoundError)
./features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:9:in `/^I register with valid user credentials$/'
features/authentication.feature:6:in `When I register with valid user credentials'
HTML output seems to be normal:
<select name="user[date_of_birth(1i)]" id="user_date_of_birth_1i">
Is it bug, or I am doing something wrong
Solved using "id_prefix" argument
select_date user.date_of_birth, :id_prefix => "user_date_of_birth"
Yet it seems to be Webrat's bug.