Using WPF with Prism and Unity -
I have a strange defect where an ObservableCollection is losing its collection.
I’ve added a real backing field to see if there was something funny happening with the automatic property.
I’ve added a CollectionChanged event handler on the field that only fires when I’m expecting it.
I’m using service locator to retrieve the instance so I thought maybe I was getting a different instance, but the other properties and fields have the expected values from a previous access.
Storing the ViewModel -
new ShellViewModel(), new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
Retrieving it -
return App.getUnityContainer().Resolve<ShellViewModel>();
The ObservableCollection Field -
private readonly ObservableCollection<BusinessProcessViewModel> openBusinessProcesses =
new ObservableCollection<BusinessProcessViewModel>();
ObservableCollection Property -
public ObservableCollection<BusinessProcessViewModel> OpenBusinessProcesses
{ get { return openBusinessProcesses; } }
ObservableCollection Field Event Handler -
private void AttachEventHandlers()
openBusinessProcesses.CollectionChanged += openBusinessProcesses_CollectionChanged;
void openBusinessProcesses_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
logger.Info(String.Format("OpenBusinessProcess collection changed. Action: {0}, Added: {1}, Removed: {2}", e.Action, e.NewItems, e.OldItems));
Thanks Aleksey. You got me on the right track.
I forgot I had added auto-wiring in the view, so I had two instances of the view model.
This is the part I removed from the xaml markup -
Update for clarity -
The ObservableCollection was NOT being emptied. The autowiring in the view, plus the explicit model creation resulted in two instances of the view model.