In proxy.exe I am creating a secure string the following way:
public SecureString GetSecureEncryptionKey()
string strPassword = "8charPwd";
SecureString secureStr = new SecureString();
if (strPassword.Length > 0)
foreach (var c in strPassword.ToCharArray()) secureStr.AppendChar(c);
return secureStr;
Then in main.exe I am decrypting it using this function:
public string convertToUNSecureString(SecureString secstrPassword)
IntPtr unmanagedString = IntPtr.Zero;
unmanagedString = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(secstrPassword);
return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(unmanagedString);
The issue is that the returned string is empty, unless I encrypt the initial string within main.exe, then the returned decrypted string is indeed "8charPwd". Why is this happening? Is SecureString encryption bound to the executable?
The purpose of SecureString is to keep strings safety inside your application memory(keep the string secure in RAM) SecureString object is not a serialize-able. You cannot transfer an instance between applications.
SecureString encrypt the string by using RtlEncryptMemory (WINAPI) with the flag:"0" (only the same process can decrypt the content). RtlEncryptMemory API
if you don't want to expose the password(at any time) in the RAM, you can create a simple obfuscation(or encryption) logic, and then transfer the content.
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