I have written a little piece of code for modelling the outcome of a coin flip, and would like to find a better way of presenting the results than a list of consecutive coin flips. I'm one month into learning Python as part of my physics degree, if that helps provide some context.
Here's the code;
from pylab import *
while x<=100:
num = randint(0,2)
if num == 0:
print 'Heads'
print 'Tails'
print 'Done'
What options do I have to present this data in an easier to interpret manner?
Instead of using a while
loop and printing results to the screen, Python can do the counting and store the results very neatly using Counter
, a subclass of the built in dictionary container.
For example:
from collections import Counter
import random
Counter(random.choice(['H', 'T']) for _ in range(100))
When I ran the code, it produced the following tally:
Counter({'H': 52, 'T': 48})
We can see that heads was flipped 52 times and tails 48 times.
This is already much easier to interpret, but now that you have the data in a data structure you can also plot a simple bar chart.
Following the suggestions in a Stack Overflow answer here, you could write:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# tally = Counter({'H': 52, 'T': 48})
plt.bar(range(len(tally)), tally.values(), width=0.5, align='center')
plt.xticks(range(len(tally)), ['H', 'T'])
This produces a bar chart which looks like this: