I have created a calculator application which is supposed to plot graphs.User gets a textbox where he can enter function formula, which is then validated and parsed to ChartXY and so on to draw it.Basicaly I am using for all my functions libraries from javafx.I have spotted that my results are quite different.Most of the functions run very well but some functions differ, it's like I have real part + imaginary part but wolfram has also it's mirror reflection added.Plese look at my screenshots.
This example is regarding log(x) domain (-6,6) codomain (-2,2)
Wolfram Alpha complex graph: http://oi61.tinypic.com/2uij7l2.jpg
My calculator app screenshot: http://oi62.tinypic.com/2m7xoi9.jpg
Another example is for log(sin(x)) domain(-6.3,6.3) codomain (-7,2)
Wolfram real: http://oi57.tinypic.com/2a5hoif.jpg
Wolfram complex: http://oi59.tinypic.com/kesq49.jpg
My calculator screenshot: http://oi58.tinypic.com/2v13qpu.jpg
arctan(tan(x)) for domain(-6.3,6.3) codomain(-2,2)
Wolfram plot: http://oi58.tinypic.com/hupze0.jpg
My application plot: http://oi62.tinypic.com/8wktmr.jpg
My question is: Is it supposed to be like this, if not then why is it like this and can it be fixed ?
Here is part of my class which contains all the parsing
public class Controller {
private TextField domainTextField;
private TextField codomainTextField;
private LineChart coordinateLineChart;
private TextField functionTextField;
private NumberAxis xNumberAxis;
private NumberAxis yNumberAxis;
private ComboBox lineStyleComboBox;
private ComboBox lineThiknessComboBox;
private ColorPicker colorPicker;
private Pane numericPane;
private TextField descriptionTextField;
private Label descriptionLabel;
private VBox legendVBox;
private CheckBox modificationModeCheckBox;
private AnchorPane toSnapshot;
Stage stage;
MessageBox msgBox;
Intervals intervals = new Intervals();
LinkedList<FunctionViewHelper> functions = new LinkedList<FunctionViewHelper>();
boolean axisXdescriptionFlag = true;
boolean editingMode = false;
int editingFunctionId = 0;
int fontFactor = 0;
ObservableList<XYChart.Series> seriesListChart = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
ArrayList<XYChart.Series> lastSeries = new ArrayList<XYChart.Series>();
ArrayList<CustomFunction> exp4jCustomFunction = new ArrayList<CustomFunction>();
// Draws a graph
private void drawFormula(Calculable expression, ArrayList<String> conditions, String cssStyle) throws ScriptException {
ArrayList<XYChart.Series> seriesList = new ArrayList<XYChart.Series>();
seriesList.add(new XYChart.Series());
double lastY = 0;
for (double x = intervals.domainStart; x < intervals.domainEnd; x += 0.009) {
if (Validator.ifAllConditionsTrue(conditions, x)) {
if (x != intervals.domainStart) lastY = expression.calculate();
expression.setVariable("x", x);
if (Math.abs(lastY - expression.calculate()) > Const.brakeLineConst)
seriesList.add(new XYChart.Series());
seriesList.get(seriesList.size() - 1).getData().add(new XYChart.Data(x, expression.calculate()));
setSeriesStyle(seriesList, cssStyle);
// Parsing string to Calculable which we can draw.
private Calculable buildExpression(String expression) throws UnparsableExpressionException, UnknownFunctionException {
return new ExpressionBuilder(expression)
private void drawButtonHandler() {
//TODO remove
Function function = null;
if (!Validator.validateFofEmptyFields(domainTextField, functionTextField)) {
msgBox.show("You have to specify domain and formula.");
if (!Validator.validateIntervals(intervals, codomainTextField)) {
msgBox.show("Specify proper domain and codomain.");
try {
if (!editingMode) {
function = new Function(functionTextField.getText(), colorPicker.getValue(), (String) lineStyleComboBox.getValue(),
} else {
function = getByFunctionId(editingFunctionId).function;
function.formula = functionTextField.getText();
ArrayList<String> conditions = new ArrayList<String>();
drawFunctionReq(function.formula, conditions, function.getCss());
if (!editingMode)
functions.add(new FunctionViewHelper(function, addLegendFunctionView(function), new ArrayList<XYChart.Series>(lastSeries)));
else {
getByFunctionId(editingFunctionId).series = new ArrayList<XYChart.Series>(lastSeries);
((Label) getByFunctionId(editingFunctionId).view.getChildren().get(1)).setText(function.formula);
} catch (UnknownFunctionException ex) {
msgBox.show("Unknown function.");
} catch (UnparsableExpressionException ex) {
msgBox.show("Unparsable expression.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
msgBox.show("Unknown error.");
} finally {
private void domainTextFieldOnChange() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
domainTextField.setStyle("-fx-focus-color: red;");
private void codomainTextFieldOnChange() {
if (!codomainTextField.getText().isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
codomainTextField.setStyle("-fx-focus-color: red;");
} else yNumberAxis.setAutoRanging(true);
WA is correct. In the imaginary component, which is arg(z), there should be a jump from pi to 0 at z=0. The real component is log(|z|).
Guess into the blue: Be sure to use arctan2 when computing angles.