I am about to release a Python library I've been working on the past few weeks. I've read a lot about Python dependencies but something is not quite clear yet:
Some people pretend you should never pin your dependencies versions as it would prevent the users of your library from upgrading those dependencies.
Some other claim that you should always pin your dependencies versions as it is the only way of guaranteeing that your release works the way it did when you developed it and to prevent that a breaking change in a dependency wreaks havoc in your library.
I somehow went for an hybrid solution, where I assumed my dependencies used semantic versioning and pinned only the major version number (say somelib >= 2.3.0, < 3
) except when the major version number is 0
(semantic versioning dictates that such versions are to be considered volatile and may break the API even if only the patch number is bumped).
As of now, I'm not sure which way is the best. Is there an official guideline (even a PEP perhaps ?) that dictates the best practice regarding Python dependencies and how to specify them ?
You should always pin your dependencies as it increases the possibility of safe, repeatable builds, even as time passes. The pinned versions are your declaration as a package maintainer that you've verified that your code works in a given environment. This has a nice side effect of preserving your sanity as you won't be inundated with bug reports in which you have to play inspector into every package codependency and system detail.
Users can always choose to ignore the pinned dependency-versions and do so at their own risk. However, as you release new versions of your library, you should update your dependency versions to take in improvements and bug fixes.
The section of PEP 426 about Semantic dependencies (Metadata for Python Software Packages ) states:
"Dependency management is heavily dependent on the version identification and specification scheme defined in PEP 440 (PEP 440 - Version Identification and Dependency Specification)."
From this, I infer that the authoritative "best practice" is to version your dependencies, as the relationship of the PEP on packaging is stated to be "heavily dependent" on the versioning details outlined by the related PEP.