I'm working on an Ionic app that uses Angular UI Router with a Rails api backend. I've got a User model that has many Items.
When showing the User page, i'm calling Rails and returning the User along with all it's Items (so I can show them on the user's page)
Then, when I want to go to a specific Item's page, do I have to make another call to the API? I mean, I already have the item in hand. Is there a good clean way to pass the Item without having to make an api call for the specific Item?
Got any good solution for my problem?
Million thanks! Uri
Yes there is a perfect solution for this. Make the item page a child of your user page. When you fetch the user and items in the resolve of your state, it will be available also to all child states.
$stateProvider.state('user', {
'url': '/user',
'controller': 'userController',
'templateUrl': 'user.html',
'resolve': {
'items': [
function ($http) {
return $http.get('data.json');
$stateProvider.state('items', {
'parent': 'user',
'url': '/items',
'controller': 'itemsController',
'templateUrl': 'items.html'
angular.module('app').controller('userController', [
function ($scope, items) {
$scope.items = items.data;
angular.module('app').controller('itemsController', [
function ($scope, items) {
$scope.items = items.data;
Here the resolved items
from state user
can also be injected in the controller of state items
Here's a working example on Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/s13BHHtVLt1sd6tFLfNW?p=preview
Nested state reference: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Nested-States-%26-Nested-Views
State resolve reference: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki#resolve