How does it affect efficiency in Maxscript?. Maxscript is a slow one, but i wonder how much does it affect?
I tried this script, it took a lot of time to execute the operations in the array, but later on the call to functions were fast returning 0 to the time diference (i tried a very high item count in the array).
fn testear lista =
a = 1 + 2
fn testear2 &lista =
a = 1 + 2
fn inicio =
lista = #()
for i = 1 to 1000000 do
append lista "hola"
strTime = timeStamp()
endTime = timeStamp()
format "\ninicio % final % -> diferencia %\n" strTime endTime (endTime - strTime)
strTime = timeStamp()
endTime = timeStamp()
format "\ninicio % final % -> diferencia %\n" strTime endTime (endTime - strTime)
for i = 1 to lista.count do
deleteItem lista 1
If you pass an array to a function it automatically gets passed as reference. Those two functions are doing the same thing. Try this:
fn test1 arr = (
arr[1] = "test1"
fn test2 &arr = (
arr[1] = "test2"
fn init = (
testArray = #(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
format "Test #1: %\n" testArray
test1 testArray
format "Test #2: %\n" testArray
test2 &testArray
format "Test #3: %\n" testArray
Notice 'testArray' gets changed by the test functions and the change is reflected outside the test functions' scope.
However, array operations can take up a lot of time. When you append to an array, like you do in your code, it basically creates a copy of your array every time you add a new item.
A faster method would be to create an array the size you need initially:
lista[1000000] = ""
for i = 1 to 1000000 do
lista[i] = "hola"
Deleting every item in the array took the longest, but I don't think you need to do that. Maxscript does a lot of the garbage collection for you so when your script terminates it should free up that memory. Maybe you could try this:
for i = 1 to lista.count do
lista[i] = undefined
lista = undefined
But again, I don't think it's necessary. You can call the built-in garbage collection function:
Hope that answers your question.