Dim srch As String
srch = ccode.Text
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory + "\ptdr.accdb"
cmd.Connection = conn
Dim dsrch As New OleDbCommand("SELECT pname, page, vdate, psex, summer, bldp, blds, photh, diag, rl, trtmnt, nvdate FROM ptnt_data WHERE pcode = " & srch & "", conn)
Dim rdr As OleDbDataReader = dsrch.ExecuteReader()
Dim dg As String = ""
dg = rdr.GetString(8).ToString()
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(dg) Then
diag1.Text = ""
ElseIf String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dg) Then
diag1.Text = ""
diag1.Text = dg
End If
It works fine but when I search for a null it gives an error. It says that I've an error at the line of
dg = rdr.GetString(8).Tostring()
any suggests?
if rdr.GetString(8
) is null this is a classic null reference exception
IS a string so just remove the .ToString()
As per my comment below you can only run GetString if the DB has an underlying type of string for this data, what is the datatype of column diag?
(ie run rdr.GetFieldType(8) in the debugger and provide the type name)
As you have confirmed this is a string type and the issue is just with null handling (sorry i didn;t spot that from your question) you need:
If rdr.IsDBNull(8) Then diag1.Text = "" Else diag1.Text = rdr.GetString(8) EndIf
Which should replace everything from Dim dg... down