I have published an orchestration as a WCF web service using WCF_WSHttp bindings. I think we about the SSL certificate working. It will be open to the internet, thus anyone who knows the URL could call it and pass data; so we want to add user/pass authentication. We simply one the one client/vendor to have the ability to call this webservice, no one else.
I've been reading everywhere, and cannot find any specific steps. I think I want something like Scenario #4 here: https://seroter.wordpress.com/biztalk-and-wcf-part-ii-security-patterns/, but I cannot see how he got the "Client Credentials" box to pop-up in BT-2010.
Best I can tell is I have to:
1) In BizTalk Admin Console - set Security Mode to TransportWithMessageCredential.
2) From here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb226482.aspx, I'm a little confused about the difference between Windows and Username. An outside vendor is calling our webservice, so they are not on our domain. Do I need to set up a service account? Or can I just make up a username and insert it here somewhere?
3) Do I have to make corresponding changes to the WCF web.config that was created by the BT-2010 "WCF Servcie Publishing Wizard"
It seems like your're looking for just Basic authentication on the transport layer? All you then have to do is to create an AD user or a local user on the BizTalk machine and set the Transport client credential type
to Basic