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How should I refer to my SSL certificate in Heroku from my puma.rb?

I am using Heroku with RoR and Puma for my webserver. I am not using a custom domain ( I want to add SSL support. Should I add the certificate to my repo and commit it with the config/puma.rb file that refers to them? It seems insecure to have my certificate in git.

Based on this I need to add a line like this:

bind 'ssl://'


  • If you aren't using a custom domain you can piggy back on heroku's certificate.

    Basically you can just run

    heroku addons:add ssl:piggyback

    If you decide to start using a custom domain and want to use your own certificate then you need to use the ssl-endpoint add on. It's fine to commit your certificate to source control IMO. So long as it's not a public repository.