I change the "mark_style" using the menu command and it is still in underline more. I have installed pep8 linting, anaconda, gitgutter etc
I don't have anaconda installed (but I had) and it works as expected!
Anaconda also provides pep8/linting features, you should consider disable the linting features of anaconda if you have SublimeLinter installed.
This can be achieved by setting...
Set is a false to disable Anaconda Linting totally
"anaconda_linting": false,
More Infos about configure anaconda: http://damnwidget.github.io/anaconda/anaconda_settings
The actual configuration file: https://github.com/DamnWidget/anaconda/blob/a85b3c505484dfb116470757dadd1e4a9742b276/Anaconda.sublime-settings