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Orchard 1.8 - How to trigger action when user logs in

I created a custom part that I attached to the User part (I need it to store additional data related to the user). I need to execute some code when the user registers the account or each time he authenticates himself using that account. I put the code to execute during the registration in the handler of my custom part, inside the OnCreated method, but I cannot find how to identify the login operation. Is there a method of the handler where I can put that code that I need to execute on each login?


  • That code won't be in the part but in the IUserEventHandler LoggedIn event.

    So an example implementation would be:

    public class ModUserEvents : IUserEventHandler {
        public ModUserEvents() {
        public void LoggedIn(IUser user) {
            // go go do your stuff
        #region unused events
        public void Approved(IUser user){
        public void Created(UserContext context){
        public void Creating(UserContext context) {
        public void LoggedOut(IUser user) {
        public void AccessDenied(IUser user) {
        public void ChangedPassword(IUser user) {
        public void SentChallengeEmail(IUser user) {
        public void ConfirmedEmail(IUser user) {

    You'll need to reference Orchard.Users and add @using Orchard.Users.Events