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Python: random function from locals() with defined prefix

I'm working on a textbased adventure and now want to run a random function. All adventure function are "adv" followed by a 3 digit number.
If I run go() I get back :

IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence

This is because allAdv is still empty. If i run go() line by line in the shell it works but not in the function. What did I miss?

import fight
import char
import zoo
import random

#runs a random adventure
def go():
    for e in list(locals().keys()):
        if e[:3]=="adv":

#rat attacks out of the sewer
def adv001():
    print("All of a sudden an angry rat jumps out of the sewer right beneath your feet. The small, stinky animal aggressivly flashes his teeth.")


  • It's mainly due to the scope issue, when you invoke locals() in go(), it only prints out the local variables allDev defined in this function:

    locals().keys()  # ['allDev']

    But if you type the following line by line in the shell, locals() do include adv001 since they are at the same level in this case.

    def adv001():
        print("All of a sudden an angry rat jumps out of the sewer right beneath your feet. The small, stinky animal aggressivly flashes his teeth.")
    print locals().keys()  #  ['adv001', '__builtins__', 'random', '__package__', '__name__', '__doc__']
    for e in list(locals().keys()):
        if e[:3]=="adv":

    If you really want to get those function variables in go(), you might consider change locals().keys() to globals().keys()