I am looking for a way to get redmine to show the projects list as a tree view.
I have looked a lot in internet and so far have found two plugins that should do it but none of them work.
The first on was: redmine_projects_accordion (https://github.com/reubenmallaby/redmine_projects_accordion) and the other was: Projects_Tree_View (http://www.redmine.org/plugins/projectstreeview).
I am using redmine 2.6.1
Thanks for the help!
If anyone is looking also for a solution to this I found one! There is a project call Redmine Projects Treeview. Here you can download a plugin that does work with version 2.6.1.
Here is the link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/projectstreeview/
Thanks to the CSS Ninja here is an explanition on how this works:
Here is also the Project website:
In order to make it work download the files from here: http://sourceforge.net/p/projectstreeview/code/HEAD/tree/ extract the folder projectstreeview-code-81-trunk from the zip files and rename it to "projects_treeview" and put it in the plugin folder of redmine. Restart Redmine and it should work.
Hope this helps someone else....